Today a year ago

On the 29th January 2018 at 8pm, so actually right now a year ago, I was boarding the plane at Taoyuan Airport to Copenhagen because my semester in Taipei ended. After teary goodbyes and thinking this is the end of the chapter in Taiwan, I headed back to my life in Europe.

And as many of you know, I would have to graduate 1.5 semesters in just 4 months, work several jobs at the same time to afford my life in Copenhagen and once I got admitted to Beijing in spring, I worked l more to save up to move back to Asia. What some of you might not know is that throughout that time, I was driven to change my life but so empty and lonely because I was misplaced and heartbroken and missed my family in Germany and my friends in Taipei. It was a hand full of friends in Copenhagen, my family, close friends abroad and my boss that understood and supported me throughout these stressful and upsetting days, and it was Rachel, with whom I wrote every single day, even though we lived on opposite sites of the world. I realized that regardless of feeling misplaced and not good enough for some things, I can always change that.

People who care and love me will always stay, regardless of where I am, what I aspire to do. Now, one year later I am sitting in the kitchen of mine and Rachels’s place in Taipei and write this. Despite everything that life threw at me last year; false friends, ungrateful people, a freaking court case AND false registered as Ugandan citizen, graduation stress, disappointment when you give people second, third chances and no changes, getting allergic to literally air and food and be sick and frustrated, feeling like everything in life is against you – despite all these negative things, I am now where I am happy. Regardless of every frustrating moment I had in 2018, I am now sitting here, working with Rachel on our business idea, and I still have time to study and create content for my blog and Instagram. That was what I dreamt of when I was stuck in Denmark. In hindsight, I took me less than 365 days to create a life I love to wake up to 🙂

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Thank you each and everyone who helped me getting here. Greetings from Taipei, Tuni ❤️


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