Where 90% of Copenhageners will go to enjoy flowers this weekend – The city is blooming up :)

Finally ! The long winter months are gone, spring is coming and Copenhagen is shining in new, bright colours. Everywhere in the city, the flowers are blooming and if haven’t seen it yourself, no worries – people in your Social Media are posting about it, newspapers are printing the stories like it wouldn’t happen every year and bloggers.. well they jump on the band wagon and write about THE spots to go.. (like we haven’t all already figured out). But time for me to jump on the mainstream and go with the flow 😀 Everywhere you see pink and white blossoms and if you decide to go see it yourself, it feels like the entire city is split up in just a few places.

To save you some time, the best places to enjoy spring and colourful spectacle are:

Frederiksberg Have; Botanical Garden; Kongens Have; Langelinie and Bispebjerg Kirkegård.

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The last one is probably the most hyped (and overcrowded) place. Usually during April, the cherry trees in the cemetery bloom up in a wonderful and intense pink tone. You will feel like being in Japan while walking under the pink roof of cherry blossoms in the “Kirsebaeralleen” in Bispebjerg Cemetery. Go very early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid the hundreds of people. You will know when it is time to enjoy the flowers, your friends, family and collegues won’t stop posting pictures from Bispebjerg Kirkegård and your Social Media has an overload of pink cherry blossoms for the next 2 weeks 😀 Here is my contribution:

But wait a minute… a walk in the cemetery? Isn’t it a bit odd?

Well apparently not in Denmark I figured out last year. I wrote about why Danes love to take a calm and relaxing walk where the dead are buried and how that is absolutely normal for them while I feel a bit strange about it. I am German but with Asian upbringing and in my experience these places have the reputation to be haunted. Anyway, Danish people love to spend time reminiscing and taking a break from everyday life at the parks in the cemetery. So when in Rome, do as the Romans  ..or in this case, do as the Danes and enjoy a walk in the lovely cemetery 😉


I had the time to wait for 2 hours in the evening and when the cemetary cleared up, I could take a good shot for my work at Boconcept.dk 🙂

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The many parks and alleys in town are blooming and filling Copenhagen with the smell of spring, the joy and the excitement for the coming summer and the flowers that are competing with the colourful facades in Copenhagen. I love this time of the year, it’s such a great feeling that you have survived the winter 😛 And I feel like people are getting more and more friendly, the better the weather gets 😀 all jokes aside, I hope you will enjoy the spring time in Copenhagen and let’s be happy, the 2 weeks of summer in Denmark are coming soon ! I had some wonderful days in the sun the past weekends 🙂

Thank you so much for reading! You can read about a walk in the cemetery from last year here or my latest blog post about pickpockets in Copenhagen here.

Some sunny shots of different places around Copenhagen that my friends or I took recently 🙂

Rosenborg Slot

Two weeks ago in Ørstedsparken

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In Ørstedsparken
This was shot from my friend Weibo in Kongens Have this week 🙂
Bispebjerg Kirkegård
Glimmer of sunset in Bispebjerg Kirkegård

Thank you so much for reading, Tuni 😊

Follow my Instagram and Facebook Page for updates and articles about living in Copenhagen & Denmark, Traveling and random thoughts 🙂
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