Legal help in Copenhagen

In the past months, I had a few negative experiences with my administration.
Since I am not fluent in Danish yet, I didn’t really know my general rights as a tenant, or as a consumer in this country and I was looking everywhere on the internet to inform myself. After researching Google and different Facebook groups, I decided to list the most relevant and useful organizations in this blog post and share it with all of you, so you can avoid the endless Google searches.
There are quite a few places in Copenhagen, where you can get professional advice for your situation.
I hope to help some of you, expats and international students, out by writing down this list. You can get directly to the legal websites by clicking on their logos below 🙂  (feel free to share it or save it for later use – just to be safe if you need legitimate advice)

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General legal advice:


“Ung Ret” translated it means “Young rights” offers you free help in a lot of issues – from buying your own place, to our best friend “SKAT” with tax related questions, insurance or rights regarding your employment.
This organization, which is located in Købmagergade 52 in København K, is only for students from age 16 to 30. It will give you general advice and help, you can contact them any time on Facebook, per mail or even hit them up on Instagram. I contacted them once or twice and got a reply with helpful advice within the next days.


  Copenhagen Legal Aid

The website is in Danish and English, structured and easy to understand. Copenhagen aid is an association with voluntary lawyers, who will work pro bono and even take on your case to court if necessary. You can call them Mondays to Thursday from 18:30 to 21:00 and Fridays from 18:30 to 20:00, but they will prioritize the people who show up at the office in person. Therefore, if you can find the time, you should go there yourself and bring all the relevant papers and maybe your NEM ID, so they can give you are clear and helpful advice right at the first meeting. It is located in Stormgade 20, København V.


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Tenant’s rights association:



Lejernes LO Hovedstaden is made to help you with specific legal questions regarding your rights as tenant and will guide you throughout the situation as legal adviser. If there is no solution for your problem, they will go to court for you – but they try to avoid this for the sake of both sides. It is the only organization where you have a pay an annual fee to be a member ( kr. 1.580 per year/kr. 790 half a year), which I personally think, is quite a lot for a student but a smart investment if you really need it.



Consumer right:


On this website, you can look up your legal rights in guides and even videos. You can report a business yourself and explain them your situation (at the bottom of the frontpage under “Klag online”).
Even though it is all in Danish, it is very well structured and easy to understand. Under “Firmatjek” you can look up businesses, which lost cases against the consumer right (you can check everything, from the hairdresser, to bike shops, electronic shops or travel agencies).

I hope you can get guidance and advice to your problems on one of the websites above. If you know any other organizations, which could be added to the list, you are more than welcome to write me a mail or comment below 🙂

I am happy to share my latest project with you: minimalistic and Scandinavian-styled poster in my Metropolife webshop. Order now and use to code CPH for a discount )
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Check out my previous post about rules for your  SU application and how to find a room in Copenhagen in 2 weeks 🙂

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