I am in love with Lyon

Where in the world is Tuni ?

2 weeks ago I left grey Copenhagen to spend a summer in France 🙂  and ironically now that I left, it’s really sunny in Copenhagen too! Until mid August, I will be staying in Lyon and do an internship in Social Media and Community Management for a Charline Caron, a WeddingUnbenannt and Image Consulting brand – and I will try to improve my French.

I realized – It’s incredible, how much of a foreign language you forget, when you don’t speak it regularly! The last time I lived in France was 4 years ago and after that I only came back for short vacations but never stayed longer than 2 weeks.
Well, now it’s a motivation for me to get back on track and speak as much French as I can during the summer. I try to speak only French in daily basic tasks (like ordering food and drinks, paying at the supermarket, asking for directions). Funny enough, I caught myself mixing French with Danish words a lot of times, mainly because I can’t speak both languages fluently – so I get easily confused and start speaking Franish.  But I am working on it and I hope by the end of my stay, I will improve a lot 🙂

How is Lyon?


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Other then that, I am absolutely in love with the city. Really I am madly in love! I arrived in France during the EURO semi-final and watching the game with the atmosphere and fans in France was an amazing experience (even when Germany lost, it was a sad feeling for me, but it felt like whole France was going crazy).
However, Lyon is such a wonderful place with so many different facets and faces. I can’t stay in my apartment too long, I am always out discovering the city (and playing PokemonGo) 😉 There is always something new around the corner, something to discover and also, there is a lot of wine to drink. Lyon is based between two rivers and has countless numbers of bridges. During the evening, I often grab some friends and bottle of french wine to sit by the riverside and enjoy the warm nights.


This city seems to be always full of life and I can’t get enough of it. I was also very lucky and met great people right on my first day, who I became good friends with. Together we discover the city, since most of us are expats, au pairs or interns, who just got here and want to spend a great summer together 🙂
As you can see, I have a huge crush on the city, the people and the French wine 😉


I will write a little guide on my favourite spots in Lyon, how to get here and what to do in the next weeks, and introduce you to my internship and the company as well 🙂 I hope you enjoyed my first impressions and pictures from Lyon.

Thank you for reading and following my adventures. I wish you will have great summer as well and I hope to update you soon about more lovely stories from Lyon 🙂  Until then, you can follow my daily adventures on my Instagram 🙂

Greetings and hugs from Lyon, Tuni
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